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Denison Ministries​


“You are the light of the world.” - Matthew 5:14


That’s what Jesus says of you and me. We are created and called to illuminate the reality of God’s truth and love on the earth. 


But every day we’re inundated with conflicting messages about who God is and what really matters in life. Politics divide us when Christ seeks to unify us. Work consumes us when Christ calls us to first be, then do. Media distracts us, robbing us of the time and mental space we need to abide in Christ. All together our lived experience does more to shroud the glory of God within us than to call forth the light of God’s glory and grace. 


And all the while our world grows darker, in desperate need the spiritual and societal renewal that only comes as God’s people illuminate his goodness on the earth. But as the world grows darker, the opportunity grows greater.


Christians should have the resources they need to shine the light of Christ already within them. No amount of inundation or distraction from the world should be able to crowd out the light of God moving in, through, and around us. 


And through the connection between meaningful content and technological innovation, we can resource and equip Christians on devices they already use with the encouragement they need in the moment. And the world will change as God’s people are resourced and transformed. Because...


Meaningful content transforms lives. And transformed lives transform the world around them. 


Millions of believers look to Denison Ministries for the resources and encouragement they need. And lives, business, families, and societies and transforming as God’s people shine the light of God brighter every day. 


But still too few are saying “yes” to the ongoing work of being transformed by God so they can transform the world around them. 

And at the pace the world is moving, we need to act quickly to bring about a true awakening of God’s truth and love.



The materials shown above, included within, or available through such materials are the sole and exclusive property of Denison Ministries. All legal rights, including trademark, copyright, trade name and trade dress rights in and to such materials are reserved by Denison Ministries. No further use of the materials may occur without the express written consent of Denison Ministries, except that an end user of may listen, view, print, copy or save the materials for the end user’s personal nonprofit use. 

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